Due to the adverse effects of certain active ingredients (AIs) on humans health and the environment (Wahid et al. Despite the fact that pesticides are indispensable in current conventional agricultural practices, detectable levels of residues are present on the majority of foods in stores (JMPR 2015). It has been estimated that without synthetic pesticides a large amount of food production in the world can be lost (Räsänen et al. Pesticides have been a key factor in the fight against many plant diseases which has allowed access to high-quality food for a broader section of the population (Alonso-Hernández et al. The use of synthetic pesticides worldwide has become a basic need for some crops to ensure quantity and quality (Kim et al. To perform in the future a more accurate risk assessment for Cuban consumers it is important to have more detailed consumption data and an expanded dataset of the residues in different crops. Furthermore, the probabilistic risk assessment concerning methamidophos exposure in tomato for children and adult strata showed no risk. When a more realistic consumption (50th percentile) and higher (95th percentile) consumption pattern for tomatoes was assumed, the deterministic risk assessment found no chronic risk for children and adults being exposed to methamidophos present in the tomato samples.

Only in the maximum exposure scenario children and adults were exposed to methamidophos residues in tomatoes higher than the acceptable daily intake. However, the deterministic risk assessment revealed that the consumer risk of pesticide exposure is low. A considerable part of the detected pesticide residues exceeded the EU and Cuban MRLs. Most of the detected active ingredients were insecticides and fungicides. ResultsĪ broad range of pesticides were detected in the samples. Also, a probabilistic risk assessment was worked out with for the Monte Carlo simulation. A deterministic risk assessment was performed, using consumption data collected by the authors.

Samples collected during the 2017, 2018, and 2019 periods were analyzed using UPLC-MS/MS and GC/ECD chromatography techniques.

Based on these residue data, a risk assessment of consumer exposure was conducted. Pesticide residues on crop samples from Sancti Spíritus province were analyzed. Vegetables and rice produced in Cuba may contain residue of pesticides that exceed the maximum residue limits (MRLs).