To perform a clean installation of Windows 10 21H2 (November 2021 Update), use these steps:

However, since the settings are different on most devices, you have to check your manufacturer support website for more specific details. Also, you have to make sure the computer can boot from USB, which means that you may need to adjust the BIOS or UEFI settings. You then need to start the device with the bootable media to launch the Windows Setup wizard. You first need to create a USB flash drive with the Media Creation Tool. (See also this video tutorial on the Pureinfotech YouTube channel to install the newest version of Windows 10.) Clean install Windows 10 21H2 from USB In this guide, you will learn the steps to perform a clean install of Windows 10 21H2 using a bootable USB flash drive. You can use the Media Creation Tool, but you should only use it to upgrade from an older version (for example, November 2019 Update) or fix current setup problems. Since Windows 10 21H2 is a minor update based on version 2004, devices running one of the three releases only need a small update like those cumulative updates you receive every month. Reinstallation isn’t necessary on devices running version 21H1, 20H2, or 2004. If you have had the same setup for a long time, starting from scratch with a fresh copy of Windows can also improve performance, booting times, memory usage, and resolve existing problems. A clean install of Windows 10 21H2 minimizes the risks because it deletes everything on the hard drive and sets up a fresh copy of the OS.

Typically, you should perform an in-place upgrade using Windows Update, but changing the current installation can lead to problems and errors due to possible compatibility issues and custom configurations. Windows 10 21H2, November 2021 Update, has been available for compatible devices since November 16, 2021, and the best way to upgrade is to perform a clean installation using a USB flash drive bootable media.